Is Penis Enlargement Real?

Thursday, February 15, 2007

I got the promotion!

I have been using XCEL male enlargement patches for thirty-three days already. I measured myself this morning and my penis has grown a little more. The girth of my penis has increased by about one sixteenth of an inch, and it is just under an eighth of an inch longer.
I have some brilliant news. Yesterday at the staff meeting, I found out that I have been promoted. I am now part of the management team. This means that I will have to do less practical work and more supervising. It also means that I am now accountable for any mistakes made by the staff that work under me. Nevertheless, I'm delighted about the promotion because I was beginning to get a little bored at work. I was definitely ready for a new challenge. I am also glad about the pay rise of twenty thousand dollars per year.

I sincerely do not think I would have been promoted if it wasn't for the fact that I am now using XCEL male enlargement patches. It is so much easier to focus on my job when I am not distracted by anxious thoughts concerning the size of my penis.
Last night when I got home Leanne found her gift so overwhelming that she screamed, hugged me and showered me with kisses. She also gave me a wonderful cream-colored Gucci shirt and a pair of cuff links. We both wore our new clothes to go out to the restaurant I had booked. However, we almost didn't go anywhere because I was sorely tempted to ravish Leanne there and then when I saw the new dress on her. I don't know if I have ever seen her look so sexy before.

I saved the news of my promotion until we were eating at the restaurant. Leanne congratulated me and told me that this Valentine's Day turned out to be her best ever. I can't tell you how wonderful it felt to know I had made her so very happy. She was so overjoyed that she actually seemed to glow. She looked so beautiful and radiant. When we got home we made love, and I mean that in the truest sense. It was almost as though we became one person rather than two.

It was one of the most spiritual experiences I have ever had. I don't think I could bare to be with out Leanne, I wonder how I ever managed before we met. If she left me, I'm certain it would ruin me for any other woman.


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