Is Penis Enlargement Real?

Monday, February 05, 2007

I am guaranteed to keep the growth I obtain.

I have been using XCEL penis enlargement patches for twenty-two days now. I measured my penis again this morning, and was delighted by the results so far.
My penis is now five and a quarter inches long. It has grown three-quarters of an inch in length since I began using XCEL male enlargement patches just three weeks ago. I think that this is rather remarkable.

The girth of my penis is now three-eighths of an inch larger. It has increased by almost half an inch already. When I began using XCEL male enlargement patches my penis only had a circumference of three and a half inches. I figure by this time next week my penis will have a girth of four inches.
The way I see it, this is incredible progress for such a short space of time.

I am guaranteed to keep the growth I obtain.
I no longer feel like my penis resembles that of a teenage boy, and I feel far more manly as a result.
It is very reassuring to know that once I am happy with the length of my penis, I can stop using XCEL male enlargement patches. According to the XCEL website, my penis will not reduce in size once I stop using the patches. I am guaranteed to keep the growth I obtain.
The XCEL websiteis really informative. I learned that the product took Samuel Bench Silverman, M.D. and his team of biochemists seven years to develop. I would love to meet Dr. Silverman and his team in person in order to thank them for vastly improving my life, and to let them know just how grateful I am that they developed XCEL male enlargement patches.
Leanne is also impressed with how much my penis has grown. However, today she told me she worried about my penis growing so much that I begin to look like a porn star. She doesn’t think she would enjoy making love to me if I had a twelve-inch penis, since she is very petite. I assured her that I am only aiming at two or three inches of growth. I have no desire to star in dirty movies; I just want to feel confident that my penis is no smaller than that of the average man.



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