Is Penis Enlargement Real?

Thursday, January 25, 2007

I gave in and measured myself again!

It’s my twelfth day using XCEL male enlargement patches and yesterday when I got home from the gym I measured my penis again. I was going to try to resist the temptation but I gave in. The girth of my penis has increased by one sixteenth of an inch in just a couple of days. The length of my penis is one eighth of an inch longer. I know the size has increased by only a fraction of an inch, but when you consider that this is just since Sunday I think it’s quite miraculous.
Of course the people who make XCEL do not claim that the patches will cause your penis will grow three inches in length on the first day or give you the girth of a porn star.

If they did I would have thought twice before buying them. It isn’t magical fairy dust, but it works. I compare using XCEL to going on a diet. If you lose weight too quickly it isn’t natural or healthy. For me the same would apply if my penis grew too quickly. I’m comfortable with slow growth at a steady rate.

When I measured myself last night Leanne found it entertaining. She didn’t criticize me for it, she just shook her head and smiled. I think she might have thought it was endearing. I considered asking her for some oral but she had really bad cramps and I didn’t want to push it.
Today at work Sophie asked me if I fancied going for a drink after office hours. I politely declined and told her that I have a live-in girlfriend. She looked mortified and I must admit I actually felt a little bit sorry for her. Having said that, perhaps she’ll leave me alone now and find someone else to make eyes at.
I’m continuing to stay more focused at work. It has been that way since I started with XCEL. I’m getting more done than I usually do. I hope the boss has noticed, especially since I was late for work yesterday.



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