Is Penis Enlargement Real?

Monday, January 22, 2007

I can laugh about my penis!

It’s already my ninth day using XCEL male enlargement patches. I’m still elated that my penis has grown slightly, especially since the next step for me was to consider having surgery.
Obviously having surgery to increase the size of my penis was a last resort. The thought of undergoing the painful procedure of having my penis enlarged was daunting. Not only would it be very expensive, but also I wouldn’t be able to have sex afterwards for quite some time. I’m obviously relieved, therefore, that the XCEL male enlargement patches are working. I am aware that using the patches means that it will be a while before I see any substantial results, but I’d much rather have to wait than undergo surgery. Anyway, they say patience is a virtue.

Leanne and I went out last night to celebrate the growth of my penis. Since it was a Sunday we avoided drinking alcohol so that we wouldn‘t be feel under the weather the next day at work. Instead, we settled for a movie. We saw The Queen starring Helen Mirren. After the movie, we got talking about stereotypes when Leanne mentioned how people often say that the English have bad teeth. I joked with her that at least not everybody will find out if you have a small penis. If your teeth are awful people will know it as soon as you open your mouth.

I’m glad that I’m reaching the point where I can joke about the size of my penis. It’s easier to laugh about it knowing it will grow now that I‘m using XCEL. This time last month I didn‘t find the fact that I don‘t measure up quite so amusing.
One day when I watch a comedy movie that features a joke about under endowed men, I may even be able to laugh about it sincerely. Up until now, I have had to fake it so that nobody would know that I am like the character in the movie who people are laughing at.



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