Is Penis Enlargement Real?

Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Leanne is acting like a nymphomaniac.

I have been using XCEL male enlargement patches for ten days now, and everything is still going great. However, this morning Leanne and I had our first quarrel since I started with the patches. As usual, it was over something stupid. Her complaint today was that I had peed on the rug when I got up to urinate in the middle of the night. I told her that I had been half-asleep and that it was an accident. She laughed when I said that it might have had something to do with not yet being used to the new dimensions of my penis since it has grown from using XCEL. It diffused the situation. I think she has PMS again. Sometimes I think life would be easier if I moved into the garage for a few days each month.

While I am on the subject of Leanne, we are still having sex much more than we used to before I started using XCEL patches. In fact during the past few days it seems the more we have sex the more she wants to do it. I would never have been able to fulfill her expectations before using XCEL. The increase in her sexual appetite has me wondering if she was satisfied with the quantity of our love making before. The idea that she might not have been is somewhat disconcerting. Perhaps I should set my mind at ease and ask her when I get home this evening.
I almost forget to mention that Sophie is still giving me the eye all of the time at work. She is also starting to create little excuses to talk to me. Yesterday she asked if I had a stapler she could borrow and today she wanted to know how the word genealogy is spelled. I am sure she is not so dumb that she doesn’t know how to use a dictionary. I wish one of the other women at work would tell her I am already in a relationship. I don’t want to be unfriendly but she is beginning to get on my nerves. I never dreamed that using XCEL would make me so appealing to the opposite sex.



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