Is Penis Enlargement Real?

Sunday, February 11, 2007

XCEL makes my relationship wonderful!

I have now reached my twenty-ninth day using XCEL male enlargement patches. I still have nothing at all negative to report about them. All of my experiences with XCEL so far have been positive ones.
I measured myself again this morning. I was pleased to find that my penis is now five and a half inches long. That’s a full inch longer than it was before I began using the patches. The girth of my penis is now a total of four inches. It has increased by half an inch since I began with XCEL. I cannot begin to describe how much better I feel about myself now that I have an average-sized penis rather than a small one. In addition, it never ceases to amaze me each time I get my tape measure out and find that my penis is continuing to grow.

I think the increase in my penile dimensions is quite substantial. Apparently, not every man who uses XCEL male enlargement patches will see that much growth so quickly. It takes longer for your penis to grow with XCEL if you smoke, drink a lot of alcohol or are overweight. Thankfully, I don’t smoke and I’m very fit. I do drink, but only socially.
I think that any man who does smoke or is on the large side may find that the size of his appendage increases by itself if he gives up his bad habits and starts exercising more. Smoking and drinking excessively can both make you impotent and obesity makes you lethargic and less inclined to have sex.
Leanne and I went to the movies to see Norbit yesterday evening. We laughed even though it was extremely crass. Actually, some scenes the movie were so gross they made me shudder with revulsion. I think my disgust made Leanne laugh even more. In fact, she almost peed her pants and there were tears in her eyes, which was cool with me. I love to hear Leanne laugh from her belly.
My relationship with Leanne really is wonderful these days. We used to argue quite regularly, but now we have fun much more than we fight.

I attribute our newfound joy to my using XCEL male enlargement patches. I am so much happier now and there is an old maxim that I have lately learned the truth of. If you smile, the world smiles along with you.



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