Is Penis Enlargement Real?

Friday, February 16, 2007

I might propose to Leanne.

It is now thirty-four days since I started using XCEL male enlargement patches, and all aspects of my life still continue to improve because of them. I am nothing like the old Paul.
Earlier today during my lunch break Brian called me on my cell phone. He wanted to tell me that he measured his penis this morning and that it has grown a bit already. He said that up until he measured his penis and saw the results for himself he had only half believed that the patches would really make his penis grow. He is astounded that XCEL really does work. So is his girlfriend, but he tells me that she is more impressed by his improved sexual appetite than the increase in his penile dimensions. That doesn’t surprise me at all. There is something about Donna that has always lead me to believe that she is a bit of a man-eater. She is also well built enough to do most men serious damage in a fight.

The truth is that I find her a bit intimidating. I could never date someone like her. It would be like dating another man. However, she makes Brian happy and this is what counts.
Since my promotion the other day, I have been wondering if I should ask Leanne to marry me. I think the time is right. The extra twenty thousand dollars a year I will get from my promotion means we are now financially secure enough to be able to comfortably afford the extra expense of a child. Another reason I want to marry Leanne is that I know I could never be happy with anybody else. I am also about to turn thirty-three, which I think is a good age to settle down and have a family. In addition, I already live with her, so we are like a married couple already.

I’m thinking of buying an engagement ring and proposing to Leanne on my birthday. I know Leanne wants kids and marriage. She has dropped enough hints over the past year or two. Up until recently, though, marriage hasn’t been something I have felt at all ready for. I guess I was unhappy with myself and therefore felt uncertain that I could make anybody else content. Thankfully, now that XCEL male enlargement patches have increased my confidence, I am certain that I am ready to make a commitment and give it my all.


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