Is Penis Enlargement Real?

Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Eighty-three percent of women fake it.

This is my thirty-ninth day using XCEL male enlargement patches. Happily, I am now starting to recover from my cold. However, Leanne is still off work with her chest infection and to add insult to injury she now had PMS again. She was a pain in the bottom last night. She doesn’t cope well with being ill, but I tried to humor her. I know she hates being stuck at home all day, even when she is healthy.
Things are going a little better today at work. The pressure is still on but it’s easier to handle now that I am feeling healthier. I don’t know if I mentioned that Sophie, the woman who gave me all the trouble a couple of weeks ago, now works under me. Her attitude has changed completely. If anything her behavior is now sycophantic, which I find immensely irritating.

I think she is afraid that I will give her a hard time to pay her back for her recent conduct towards me. She’s lucky I’m not that type of person.
I have been thinking about the all-knowing attitude some women seem to have about penises and sex in general. They assume that their opinion is the only correct one. However, I have found that the statistics often contradict the opinions they hold as gospel.
For example, many women would argue until blue in the face that sexual technique is everything and that size has no relevance at all. Nevertheless, the following statistics, based on a survey of 1000 American women, indicate otherwise. Over seventy-two percent of women require a bigger and thicker penis to reach climax. A penis the size of a matchstick just isn’t adequate.
In addition, a larger penis is actually a visual turn on for about ninety-four percent of women. Most women prefer to look at a larger penis in the same way as the majority of men (myself included) love to see a large, firm pair of breasts.

Shockingly, sixty-eight percent of women are not content with the size of their lover’s appendage.

Worse still, ninety-three percent of these dissatisfied women say nothing about it to their partners. Like Leanne, they are afraid of hurting their man’s feelings or damaging his self-esteem.
I have saved the most appalling statistic until last. According to the survey, as many as eighty-three percent of women fake orgasms on a regular basis. I would like to believe that Leanne has never done this, but I don’t know for sure and it worries me.
Perhaps you are a woman reading this journal entry, are now in a state of high indignation because you are happy with your lover’s penis, and have never faked an orgasm. You are in the minority.
Maybe you are a man and my words have made you feel somewhat anxious about the size of your penis. Many products out there claim to increase the size of your member. Many of these products do not work. Many scams out there prey on your insecurities. However, XCEL male enlargement patches really do work on the majority of men.

The people who manufacture XCEL male enlargement patchesare so confident in their product that they offer a sixty-day money back guarantee.


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