Is Penis Enlargement Real?

Thursday, November 09, 2006


Having a big penile unit can be quite the advantage and can be a useful skill if taken care of properly and used according to a professional instruction manual…some call it porn other’s call it Saturday night…it just depends on how much you wanna candy coat your social activities. I digress though, obviously the main advantage to being masterfully endowed in the above-said region is for the pleasure of the ladies it encounters.

You do your groove thang and badda bing; big O time and the ladies love you. Here’s the deal too; you can be a broke-ass mofo, have a shitty car or even no car, live in a dumpster and smell like dog piss and you know what? The ladies won’t care after an encounter with your multi-faceted love machine…In fact; I will go as far to say; they will buy you stuff; even the poorest of bitches and hoes will in fact; take you to dinner, movies, concerts and maybe even hook you up with a 1972 El Camino if you show them the girth…forget money folks. Girth and longevity is where it’s at. I’m not bullshitting here. I’ve observed many an occasion whereupon; an intelligent, wealthy woman will stoop to the lowest of lows regarding male species and character just for a ride on the shlong train.

You can treat them like a complete piece of crap if you have a pleasantly endowed unit…and you know what? You don’t have to call them…and they won’t nag because they are so afraid you won’t come back for more social activities. (wink wink)…They are sitting by their phone with their vibrator thinking about how many times they saw jesus and mary when you put your magic wand inside them…for days they will agonize over when you will return and take them on a proverbial magic carpet ride…ah yes indeed…

Also, check this; you don’t ever have to go down to those cobwebby depths known as the female nether region…they won’t even ask because they know you have a ridiculously large tool and that is all they need and they are afraid to be too demanding or push you over the edge ‘cuz they have the FEAR. The FEAR of non VIP access to your backstage or rather front stage pass…

By having a big huge cock; you can practically get away with murder…all is forgiven once you whip it out..they forget about the fact that you banged their mother and sister and maybe even the gay uncle who is still in the closet; a few hours earlier and see only the tunnel of love.

On a sidebar too; you can wear a speedo. Now normally in my professional fashion opinion; a speedo is not acceptable for anyone however; if you are freakishly endowed; it is forgiven ‘cuz at that point; who the fuck cares what you are wearing…Another plus to having a large unit is; it’s acceptable for you to take up flashing in your spare time. You run around flashing chicks and you got something good to show them; they aren’t gonna get all “offended” and call the cops on your ass…nope, they will stare in awe and wonder why you don’t charge admission to flash them…instead of just doing it as a hobby.

So all you well-endowed mother fuckers; consider taking up flashing in your local parks as a hobby…your neighborhood yenta suburbanite tight-ass soccer moms will thank you…and maybe hire you to clean their pools….naked.

Now there could be a few drawbacks in regards to your blessed region…like for instance; if you get one of those prudish virgin type chicks…and then she’ll complain about it being “too big” and hurting…Those are the worst; they will then expect you to compensate by being “gentle” and doing other stuff…and of course; there is the broads who always pull out the “my other boyfriend” (the one with the small dick) used to “go down” on me and caress me and tell me he loved me and buy me dinner…blah blah blah…whine, whine whine! Also, if you try to slap them up a little (‘cuz of the bitching and shit)…they get all offended and think it’s wrong…And now they want a small dick man ‘cuz he “treats them nice”…buys them shit, takes em to dinner…and then on top of it; he will do anything to please them…like go downtown, caress the chesticle region, and godforbid; fucking cuddle…yes, those small penis’ individuals enjoy the cuddling and comply with the ladies about the cuddling; that is their ace in the hole…(pun intended)….and they are always pulling out (in more than one contextual way) the cuddle card.

Now also you should be aware that; in these times of modern technological advance…a woman can actually go out and BUY any size penis she wants…yes it’s true! These fucking dildo manufacturers are fucking up everyone’s game these days…by inventing dicks and cocks of all shapes and sizes. It’s ridiculous…What are they thinking? Now the small dick dude can totally fuck up your game by going out and buying his lady friends a huge cock…and then doing double duty…and I don’t wanna even get into how dirty these little penis’ men can get…you must be creative when you have such little (pun mother fucking intended again..I’m on fire) resources at your disposal…It’s like the wimpy kid at school who got teased; he’s gotta be really fucking good at something else and overcompensates in some other arena. Same fucking concept with the penis; the little penis guys are gonna make a ton of money, be freakishly smart and/or be a musician (yeah, ladies love the musicians)…

Oh yeah, and I forgot to mention the tried and true method of penis pumps…so if you are small; you crack out that baby and there you have it…inflatable dick! It’s magic…just like Puff the fucking dragon…a miracle like jesus feeding the 5000…sometimes (so I’ve heard…from my mom…unfortunately) a mood killer; sometimes a mood enhancer; it just depends on how much you wanna candy coat it…because sometimes inflating your penis is a whole lot better than deflating your girlfriend…

Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Let the debate begin

An overwhelming amount of topics immediately come to mind when asked this question. To many, the first thing that comes to mind is of course, the male genitalia. The debate concerning the male penis size to achieve sexual gratification is long since overdue.

Does penis size matter to women? When is it big enough? The penis size debate has gone far enough without even a response being close to satisfactory from a male or the female standpoint!

Everyday you will find that there are numerous substances, pills, and even weights to enlarge the penis. It seems that the male crisis for satisfying a woman’s needs, are at an extreme all-time high. The magnitude of this seems to be surreal. Feeling as if the male species has been brainwashed by the media with Penis Enlargement Products, may play a huge part in the epidemic.

Using the male insecurity of his own penis size to help him with the decision to purchase an enlargement enhancer, may make a large difference in the way that he sexually pleases a woman. Just by taking a small pill, he can feel as though he has gained some confidence in himself to perform. This may influence the female to believe that he is comfortable with his size. This could make an impact on his sexual performance, as well as his stamina. This may also affect the females’ psychological impulses towards her sexual partner’s feelings of security.

Contradicting statements and rumors that penis size has a large impact on gratification is alarming. It seems, not even a female that has a large amount of practice in the “field”, can answer the simple question with a completely satisfied yes or no answer.

The psychological and physical reasons for a female to enjoy a larger penis size might be because of the anticipation and visual excitement, as well as vaginal and oral sensation. Even speaking of your male companions size, and relating it to another females experience seems to have a large affect upon sexual excitement.

A woman’s vaginal pleasure during intercourse is not totally dependent upon the male penis size. Consider that the five senses also play a vital role, including foreplay. A smaller penis size should not mean that you cannot sexually gratify a woman!

Her vaginal size is also a major influence in experiencing more or less satisfaction. This also affects the male penis sensations greatly. If your female partner’s vagina is simply put, too large or too small, then you may come to recognize that it may not be your penis size that is at fault. To only justify a males penis size, and have no further thought about why you may not be reaching climax, would be a lack of complete common sense in itself.

To clearly state, does a woman get the same vaginal pleasure with any penis size, no matter what size?

Of course some women prefer to be pleasured by the cunnilingus, and many by penetration. There are many factors involved that play a very important part to achieving a stimulating experience for both partners involved.
Stressing that the male penis size is the only reason as to why the female has not achieved orgasm, or may not be sexually satisfied is comparatively just one of the many indications that there are several factors that need to be adjusted.

The smaller penis size to a woman with a smaller vagina would seem to be perfectly matched. However there are certain characteristics that the female may not find attractive about his size, and therefore reducing her excitement, achieving a less stimulating experience with him. The same may be said for the male’s partner. She may not have a sexually attractive appearance, that would make his heart rate increase for better blood flow to the penis, or perhaps her vagina is just simply too large for his penis to feel any substantial amount of sensations.

To give only a few separate experiences of how this could affect someone, is miniscule to say that this may be in fact, the reason that you may or may not be experiencing trouble in the bedroom.

It is clear to state that the female vagina responds to rhythmic stimulation, or pressure applied to any of the appropriate regions. To simply state, that a longer or thicker penis size could cause more stimulation that a shorter or thinner penis cannot be said on a factual note.

You may hear that sometimes a penis is too large, which actually causes less stimulation. If the woman cannot take the whole length of the penis, she loses sensations that are normally caused by the contact between both sexual partners during each thrust movement. The male pubic bone, and his testes for example, slapping and repetitively bumping into her clitoris and exterior genitals create an extra sensation that would normally in fact help her to reach climax.
Can the same be said for a smaller penis size?  Can you lose sensation, because of the significantly shorter thrust? What about girth?  Does extra penis girth increase friction and pressure on the vaginal walls?
The first few inches of the vaginal walls are packed with touch sensitive nerves. A thick penis, no matter how long it may be, could enhance her pleasure also because it dilates the vagina and sustains more pressure and friction to the G-Spot.

Realize that there are many people who will say that size does matter, and many who will say that it does not. If you are willing to realize that there is no true and definite answer to this debate, we may realize that the true sense of penile adequacy can only come from your own personal experiences. Not by what media portrays or sells.

Enhancement pills, sure they can give someone a sense of security and pleasure from thinking you will achieve a larger penis size, which might help psychologically, turn your bedroom life around. Though keep in mind that sex was not meant for mere gratification. It is a sacred activity, as the penis and vagina are sacred instruments of life, though this activity should be enjoyed big or small, tall or thin. You decide, does size matter?

Does penis size matter?

The majority of women are not concerned with the size of their partners penis.  Of course there are a small number who prefer it to be on the large side, (just as some men are drawn to enormous breasts), but these tend to be females who are sexually aggressive.  In general, ladies are more interested in the whole package. The appearance is of much more importance, it should be clean and smell nice.
            The national average measurements for male genitals are, 5.9 inches in length (erect) and 5.5 inches in girth (erect).  When asked for their preference, most females stated around this size. To be truthful any penis will excite a woman. The dimensions of a phallus have no relation to the pleasure it can give to the partner or man himself. Neither does it affect the ability to maintain an erection.  Performance always depends on the muscles, blood and the nerve supply to the reproductive organs.  If you are worried that you are at the extremes, (too large or too small), during intercourse the vagina will adapt to most size penises.  Only one third, which is approximately 4cm’s of the vaginal canal, contains sensory nerves, and that’s without mentioning the clitoris.
            The main problem for males is their confidence level.  Just as the opposite sex feels less desirable if they have small breasts, men feel the same if they are lacking in the genital department.  Women are incredibly turned on by sexual confidence.  If men can create mind over matter, and exude confidence, their partner would not even notice his penis size as she would be too swept away in the moment.
            The most obvious fact is the importance of how you use it.  You may have the most perfect penis in the world, but if you don’t know how to please a lady it doesn’t matter.  To climax, the female sex need to be stimulated both physically and mentally.  If you feel you are not well endowed, spend longer on the foreplay.  Learn to express yourself in different ways, change positions, use different speeds, angles and pressures……tease.  What women enjoy is the variation in the experience not the variation in size. So don’t ever think that you won’t enjoy the best of life’s experiences, because you have not been blessed in certain aspects.  Don’t let your penis take over your mind when in bed.
            To get more insight into the female preference we interviewed Claire Dunnes.  She runs Anne Summers parties which sell sex toys.  The most popular vibrators sold at these parties are between the lengths of 5.5-6 inches.  Claire is usually left with an abundance of the large vibrator stock at the end of the year. The ladies who tend to buy the enormous ones are usually purchasing them for a hen party.  If that doesn’t ease your mind nothing will.
            Another interesting fact, women with ‘bigger’ men, found some positions uncomfortable, and couldn’t give felatio properly.
            If you are still concerned, please talk to a health care adviser or Doctor.  Never be embarrassed, they deal with this topic all the time, and remember:

Its not the wand, its the magician.

On the flip side the size does matter for both sexes.  Some females are considerably turned off by a small penis. The reason for this is two fold. Firstly, they find a large penis more visually pleasing. Women are excited by the sheer sight of it. The second reason, women like the feeling of “being filled up”.  When long in length, the phallus is more likely to hit the uterus at the end of the vagina.  This is extremely pleasing during intercourse.
            Girth is of even more importance to women. It was the most mentioned when it came to stating their preferences.  Again the visual aspect came into it. Most common was the dislike of seeing or handling an extremely thin penis.  A wide girth has many benefits during intercourse.  It stimulates the G. spot, which is located about two inches inside the vagina wall.  The nerves that are located near the vaginal entrance are also stimulated.  A big girth has the ability to stretch the vagina walls, creating friction and sensations that most women love.
            Size does matter immensely to men.  It does not matter if he is told that he is normal, if he believes he is inadequate, and then he is.  Women with small breasts can sympathies with this feeling. Their partners can constantly tell them how perfect their breasts are, but it doesn’t change what they feel inside. The same for men with genital issues.  Both of these cases show a strong lack of confidence.  If the male lacks self-assurance, it will come through in his performance, as he won’t be able to let go and feel uninhibited.  He will always be wondering, “Does she think it’s big enough?”  This therefore affects both partners, as she will feel his apprehension.  So again, size does matter.
            Men who are well endowed ooze sexual confidence.  Sandy Thomson, 27, regularly goes to watch her brother’s football team.  Two of the players have been blessed in the nether regions, and get their penises out at any opportunity.  They run around naked to amuse others, and are always the first in the showers.  They are very flamboyant characters.  Sandy said she found their confidence in their bodies a very attractive quality. She also stated that they were always surrounded by women.
            So to conclude size is of great importance to both sexes, even if it is only in the mind. For women, it heightens the effects of their sexual experience, both mentally and physically. The issue is greater for the men, as it affects their confidence. If they are well endowed they have a more audacious manner. If they have a small penis, the only way around it is acceptance.  Whether this can be obtained through positive thinking or therapy is down to the individual.  If the man believes that he has a problem, no matter how many times he is told size doesn’t matter;

To him it does.



Always keep the pubic hair trimmed short on
the penis and ball area. This gives the
illusion of a larger shaft.

If you are overweight, make an effort to loose it. 
Rolls of flesh hanging over the genital area will
give the appearance of a smaller penis to you when
you are looking down upon it.