Is Penis Enlargement Real?

Saturday, March 03, 2007

XCEL is a scientific breakthrough.

I have now been using XCEL male enlargement patches for a total of forty-nine days. When I change the patch, I continue to place it on one of my buttocks. However, if I had a hairy backside I would have to put it somewhere else, since the manufacturers warn you not to place the patch anywhere that you might have body hair, unless you fancy waxing your body at the same time as acquiring a bigger penis. It’s a good job my heritage is Irish rather than Mediterranean, under the circumstances. I wonder where very hairy men could put the patches, since placing it on your forehead is not really an option.
The XCEL patches have always stayed in place, though, which is a good thing. In addition, I can remove them with out discomfort on the days when I have to change them.

They have also made me feel well in general, besides increasing my dimensions and making me more virile.
Leanne has been in a really cute mood since I made my proposal on Thursday evening. It is nice to see her so perky. We have been discussing our wedding plans already. We have decided to tie the knot some time in July. We are also considering where we should go for our honeymoon. We both fancy either Cancun or somewhere in southern Europe. We are going to pop out later to buy some travel magazines from Barnes and Noble in order to get inspiration.
I called my parents last night. They are delighted at the thought of my coming wedding. My mother is particularly pleased, since she confesses she was beginning to worry that I would never get married. I have a feeling that she was slightly concerned that I would move back into her house at the age of forty and ruin her twilight years. My mother also told me that over the past month or so I have become more like the son she had hoped for because I am more positive about life.
Of course, I do not intend to tell my mother about XCEL male enlargement patches. I can hear her response now and I have a feeling she would not approve.

She can be very traditional in her mode of thinking. She would not see XCEL for the scientific breakthrough it really is. Her attitude is akin to the people who insisted that the world was flat as opposed to round before Columbus proved otherwise. She’s still a lovely woman, though, and her attitude amuses me at times. I wouldn’t change her for the world; her old-fashioned values are part of what makes her my mother.

Friday, March 02, 2007

I am marrying the most beautiful woman.

This is day forty-eight of my trial with XCEL male enlargement patches, and I have some very happy news to report. Perhaps you have already guessed that Leanne agreed to become my wife last night.
I managed to squeeze in the proposal before the chef arrived with our food. I was extremely nervous, so much so that I stuttered my words and felt myself trembling slightly. My stammering made Brian titter with laughter, which did not help at all. Nevertheless, Leanne said yes with out hesitating. I will never forget the look on her face as long as I live. She was so moved that she laughed and cried simultaneously.
My family and friends were delighted, of course. The women made a huge fuss about it, and Leanne’s mother shed a few tears. The men all congratulated us and patted me on the back.

Even Leanne’s dad seemed pleased, although he felt obliged to warn me that I would have him to answer to if I didn’t treat her right. I expected him to say something like that. I also expected out Japanese chef to make some sarcastic comments, and he didn’t disappoint me.
My proposal distracted everyone from the fact that it was my birthday, despite the fact that the server brought a cake out after the chef had done his thing. I did not mind, though. I was far more excited about Leanne agreeing to become my wife than I was about becoming another year older, and I can’t say I was sorry that Brian forgot to joke with me about being an old man now.
Last night was one of the happiest occasions of my entire life. Leanne couldn’t stop smiling and her eyes were sparkling with joy. I love to see her feel that good. She also loved her engagement ring, as did the other women, so I needn’t have worried about her thinking I was cheap.
When Leanne and I eventually went home, we made love for over an hour, taking the time to explore each other’s bodies. As my hands caressed Leanne’s contours, I thought about how wonderful it was to stroke the curves of my future wife.

She is so beautiful. Leanne had three orgasms last night. I came twice myself. It only took me five minutes to become aroused again after my first orgasm.
It still amazes me just how much sexual stamina XCEL male enlargement patches give me. Before I started using XCEL I rarely lasted longer than twenty minutes, and I was usually almost ready to come before I had even inserted my penis into Leanne’s vagina. Not only that, but I always fell asleep after coming just once. Consequently, I only managed to give Leanne an orgasm about half the time. Since we only had sex about twice a week on average, Leanne was lucky to have an orgasm once every seven days. Now I give her at least one orgasm almost every day, and I would be lying if I said that this does not make me feel like more of a man.

Thursday, March 01, 2007

A bigger penis makes a cool birthday gift.

I have been using XCEL male enlargement patches for a total of forty-seven days now. It is also my thirty-third birthday. That means I will be forty in just seven years, which for some reason makes me feel that I am starting to get old. Still I wouldn’t swap lives with somebody half my age. I remember what it is like being a teenager, and it involved lots of emotional turmoil and adolescent angst.
Leanne and I plan on getting together with friends and family later on this evening to celebrate at a local Japanese restaurant. I am a huge fan of both sushi and Japanese grill so I am looking forward to the food. I plan to propose to Leanne there. I have told nobody else about it, so it will come as a complete surprise to everybody. I am incredibly nervous right now.

I hope and pray that she does not say no, especially since I plan to propose in front of an audience of our family and friends. Come to think of it, I had better get the proposal out of the way before the chef comes to grill our food. The ones at our local Japanese place would make a huge deal out of it and embarrass the hell out of me if I did it in front of them. I know what those guys are like.
A refusal from Leanne would be ten times more humiliating under the circumstances. I am wondering if it would have been more sensible to propose on a day other than my birthday, since if I had waited I could have done it when we were alone. Still I have spent a good few days feeling stressed out about my plan, so I'm not going to back out at the last moment, although I know I am taking a risk.
I have been so caught up in my plan that I almost forgot to measure my penis today. I only remembered just before I sat down to write this journal entry. I am happy to report that my penis has grown a further eighth of an inch in length. Well actually, it is a little less than one eight of an inch, but that's fine by me.

The circumference of my penis has also grown by one sixteenth of an inch since I last measured it on Sunday. Therefore, XCEL male enlargement patches are continuing to do their job. In my humble opinion, a bigger penis is rather a wonderful birthday present. The only thing that would make me happier is if Leanne agrees to become my wife tonight. Keep you fingers crossed for me.

Monday, February 26, 2007

XCEL helped me become a better man.

I have now been using XCEL male enlargement patches for forty-four days and I must say that they really have changed my life completely in such a short space of time. I know Brian feels the same way about them too. Every time I see him, he seems to be grinning from ear to ear. He has also lost that vaguely threatening persona he used to have. I realize now that his tough guy act was just a defense mechanism.
Today at work, a few people who were at the retirement party last week told me they thought I had a beautiful girlfriend and that I was a very lucky man. Compliments like that make me feel very proud, but of course I already know how lovely my girlfriend is with out needing to hear it from other people. She always has turned heads. The good thing is that it hasn’t made her conceited. There is nothing worse than somebody who is too aware of their own good looks.

I am going shopping tonight to look for an engagement ring. I have decided to look for something platinum with a well cut diamond. I am far more concerned about the cut of the diamond than I am the size of it. I know Leanne isn’t the type of woman that would be impressed by a huge rock. She likes to look good, but is never willing to spend huge amounts of cash in order to do it. She gets highly annoyed at extravagance because there are so many people in the world who can’t even afford to eat. Therefore, I know in advance that she would see a huge diamond as a symbol of selfishness. My best option is definitely to go for something small but pretty.
I am still thrilled at the idea of asking Leanne to marry me on Thursday night. It is hard to wait until then to discover what her answer will be. The thing is, a few months ago, I definitely would not have had the confidence to propose to Leanne, and in all honesty I was also too self absorbed to even consider it. My thoughts revolved around the size of my penis and my own insecurities. In truth, I thought very little about what would make Leanne happy, and I wasn‘t a very good boyfriend.

It is a little difficult to believe that as small a thing as a dermal patch has made me change my perspective completely. I only hope Leanne will judge me on the man I have been during the past few weeks and not on the person I used to be before I started using XCEL male enlargement patches.

Sunday, February 25, 2007

I have to shop for an engagement ring.

This is day forty-three of my experience with XCEL male enlargement patches. I measured my erect penis again this morning. The circumference of my penis is now four and a quarter inches. The length of it is now somewhere between five and three-quarter and six inches, which is impressive compared to what I started out with. I would be very content with my size if I had a circumference of five inches. My girth is still a little below average, however it is still much larger than it was before I began using XCEL.
For the past few weeks, I have been using public urinals with out even thinking about it. Nobody has taken the slightest bit if notice. It seems crazy now when I think back on how I would always use the cubicles before my penis grew, for fear of other men laughing at my size. It was stupid of me. My work colleagues probably thought I had either an over-active colon or a very high metabolism.

I don’t know what is worse, for people to talk about your small penis or for them to think that you defecate much more than the average person does. I sincerely hope nobody was calling me names like Poopy Paul behind my back.
The David Bach Consort was absolutely amazing last night. Leanne and I enjoyed it a lot, as did everyone else there. I love watching live music gigs. I am always mesmerized when I watch the emotions a guitarist shows on his face while playing his instrument, there is something magical about it. It is interesting how music has the power to move people. I think of it as being a universal language, something we all understand regardless of what language we speak.
I loved watching Leanne getting totally lost in the music last night. We have so much in common. The more I think about it the more certain I am that I never want to be with any other woman than her. Neither can I imagine having children with anybody else. It is my birthday on Thursday and I have decided to propose to her then, which means that I’ll have to buy her an engagement ring in the next few days. I don’t know whether to feel nervous or excited about it. I hope to God she says yes.

I really don’t know what I would do if she said no, I’m not very good at handling rejection.