Is Penis Enlargement Real?

Saturday, January 27, 2007

XCEL male enlargement patches will change your life!

Today I have been using XCEL penis enlargement patches for fourteen days. I feel like a different person to the man who used to greet me in the mirror everyday before I started with XCEL. I am so much more happy and confident these days.
Unfortunately, Sophie, the girl who asked me out at work the other day, is starting to behave rather unpleasantly towards me. Yesterday she was with some other women next to the soda machine when I went to get a drink. She started whispering and laughing scornfully when I approached. It made me feel angry. In retrospect, I’m glad I wasn’t able to take her up on her offer. She’s obviously the type that would have judged me by the size of my penis had I gotten into an intimate relationship with her before I started using XCEL male enlargement patches.

I have had girlfriends like her in the past that made me feel bad about my body and contributed to my lack of confidence.
Sophie’s behavior yesterday made me take stock and feel thankful that I am with a kind, sympathetic woman like Leanne. Yesterday when I got home from work she noticed that I was a bit upset so I told her what Sophie had done. She said I should feel sorry for Sophie rather than resenting her behavior. I suppose she is right. Women like Sophie are lacking in generosity of spirit, which ultimately hurts them more than it does anybody else.

Leanne also tells me that she can definitely notice a difference in the size of my penis now. I can also easily see that it has grown. It is such a relief. I feel one hundred times sexier than I used to, and it’s all thanks to XCEL male enlargement patches. XCEL really is an amazing, life-changing product.
Leanne and I are going out shopping later on this evening. I have decided I want to buy some new underwear to compliment my new penis. I think I’ll show my appreciation and treat Leanne to some lingerie as well. It always delights her when I buy her a present.


Friday, January 26, 2007

The best oral I have ever had!

I have reached day thirteen of using XCEL male enlargement patches. Some people think the number thirteen is unlucky, but the past twenty-four hours have been remarkable.
We had a meeting at work today. We generally meet up once a week to confer with each other. I was delighted when the boss informed me that she has noticed an improvement in my overall standard of work. Of course, I couldn’t tell her that I have found it easier to focus on the task at hand now that I don’t spend my time thinking paranoid thoughts about my small penis. All I could do was thank her and let her know that I fully intend to keep up the good work.

A couple of my colleagues gave me a dirty look, but if they choose to think of me as a sniveling brown-nose then that’s their problem. I intend to do well regardless of what others may think of me. It’s weird how people behave like crabs in a basket. Approach the top and they’ll endeavor to pull you back down.

Last night was quite romantic. Leanne made Chicken Chasseur, which was delicious. She had also been to Blockbusters. After we had eaten, we got cozy on the sofa and watched a romantic foreign film called Amour Te Duele. A combination of the movie and the cuddles got things heated up and Leanne gave me the oral I had been hoping for since she got her period a few days ago.

I have to admit that last night Leanne gave me what was probably the best fellatio I have ever had in my life. Her tongue and the tingling sensation caused by XCEL patches worked together to give me a climax so explosive that I almost passed out from the intensity of it. I know men who would pay more than it would cost for a two year supply of XCEL patches for an experience like that one. I therefore recommend XCEL male enlargement to any man, even if his penis is already as big as a cucumber.


Thursday, January 25, 2007

I gave in and measured myself again!

It’s my twelfth day using XCEL male enlargement patches and yesterday when I got home from the gym I measured my penis again. I was going to try to resist the temptation but I gave in. The girth of my penis has increased by one sixteenth of an inch in just a couple of days. The length of my penis is one eighth of an inch longer. I know the size has increased by only a fraction of an inch, but when you consider that this is just since Sunday I think it’s quite miraculous.
Of course the people who make XCEL do not claim that the patches will cause your penis will grow three inches in length on the first day or give you the girth of a porn star.

If they did I would have thought twice before buying them. It isn’t magical fairy dust, but it works. I compare using XCEL to going on a diet. If you lose weight too quickly it isn’t natural or healthy. For me the same would apply if my penis grew too quickly. I’m comfortable with slow growth at a steady rate.

When I measured myself last night Leanne found it entertaining. She didn’t criticize me for it, she just shook her head and smiled. I think she might have thought it was endearing. I considered asking her for some oral but she had really bad cramps and I didn’t want to push it.
Today at work Sophie asked me if I fancied going for a drink after office hours. I politely declined and told her that I have a live-in girlfriend. She looked mortified and I must admit I actually felt a little bit sorry for her. Having said that, perhaps she’ll leave me alone now and find someone else to make eyes at.
I’m continuing to stay more focused at work. It has been that way since I started with XCEL. I’m getting more done than I usually do. I hope the boss has noticed, especially since I was late for work yesterday.


Wednesday, January 24, 2007

I forgot my patch this morning!

I’ve been using XCEL male enlargement patches for eleven days now. This morning I was due to change it since it had been on for three days. I took it off before my shower and forgot to put a new one on. I was driving my car down the Interstate on my way to work by the time I realized my mistake. I turned my car around at the next exit and drove back home. Consequently, I was a bit late for work. I had to lie and say I had overslept. I’m not sure how sympathetic my boss would have been if I’d told her the truth. It’s a good thing I had nothing too urgent to do this morning at work. I would have been in deep trouble if a meeting had been scheduled.
I panicked a little bit when I knew Id forgotten my patch, which isn’t a nice feeling to have while driving at high speed.
I’m glad I only have to replace the patch every three days, or remembering to put on a new one might be more difficult than it already is. I’ve decided to put a note on the bathroom mirror the night before I am due to replace the patch. I may also ask Leanne if she’ll try to remind when it’s due to be changed. I’m sure I would forget my own head if it wasn’t already attached to my body.
Last night I plucked up the courage to ask Leanne if she was unsatisfied with how often we used to have sex before I began using XCEL. She was reluctant to answer. After a few minutes, though, I got her to admit that she’d have liked to do it a bit more than we were. However, she told me that she didn’t really mind that much. She realized that a lot of it came from the insecurity about the size of my penis.
I was correct about Leanne having PMS. She got her period last night. She doesn’t like having intercourse while she is menstruating so I guess that means we’ll both have to wait. Given my increased sex drive I must admit I’m a bit frustrated by it, still I could get lucky. If I play my cards right she might give me some oral.


Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Leanne is acting like a nymphomaniac.

I have been using XCEL male enlargement patches for ten days now, and everything is still going great. However, this morning Leanne and I had our first quarrel since I started with the patches. As usual, it was over something stupid. Her complaint today was that I had peed on the rug when I got up to urinate in the middle of the night. I told her that I had been half-asleep and that it was an accident. She laughed when I said that it might have had something to do with not yet being used to the new dimensions of my penis since it has grown from using XCEL. It diffused the situation. I think she has PMS again. Sometimes I think life would be easier if I moved into the garage for a few days each month.

While I am on the subject of Leanne, we are still having sex much more than we used to before I started using XCEL patches. In fact during the past few days it seems the more we have sex the more she wants to do it. I would never have been able to fulfill her expectations before using XCEL. The increase in her sexual appetite has me wondering if she was satisfied with the quantity of our love making before. The idea that she might not have been is somewhat disconcerting. Perhaps I should set my mind at ease and ask her when I get home this evening.
I almost forget to mention that Sophie is still giving me the eye all of the time at work. She is also starting to create little excuses to talk to me. Yesterday she asked if I had a stapler she could borrow and today she wanted to know how the word genealogy is spelled. I am sure she is not so dumb that she doesn’t know how to use a dictionary. I wish one of the other women at work would tell her I am already in a relationship. I don’t want to be unfriendly but she is beginning to get on my nerves. I never dreamed that using XCEL would make me so appealing to the opposite sex.


Monday, January 22, 2007

I can laugh about my penis!

It’s already my ninth day using XCEL male enlargement patches. I’m still elated that my penis has grown slightly, especially since the next step for me was to consider having surgery.
Obviously having surgery to increase the size of my penis was a last resort. The thought of undergoing the painful procedure of having my penis enlarged was daunting. Not only would it be very expensive, but also I wouldn’t be able to have sex afterwards for quite some time. I’m obviously relieved, therefore, that the XCEL male enlargement patches are working. I am aware that using the patches means that it will be a while before I see any substantial results, but I’d much rather have to wait than undergo surgery. Anyway, they say patience is a virtue.

Leanne and I went out last night to celebrate the growth of my penis. Since it was a Sunday we avoided drinking alcohol so that we wouldn‘t be feel under the weather the next day at work. Instead, we settled for a movie. We saw The Queen starring Helen Mirren. After the movie, we got talking about stereotypes when Leanne mentioned how people often say that the English have bad teeth. I joked with her that at least not everybody will find out if you have a small penis. If your teeth are awful people will know it as soon as you open your mouth.

I’m glad that I’m reaching the point where I can joke about the size of my penis. It’s easier to laugh about it knowing it will grow now that I‘m using XCEL. This time last month I didn‘t find the fact that I don‘t measure up quite so amusing.
One day when I watch a comedy movie that features a joke about under endowed men, I may even be able to laugh about it sincerely. Up until now, I have had to fake it so that nobody would know that I am like the character in the movie who people are laughing at.


Sunday, January 21, 2007

XCEL has made my penis grow!

Today I put on my eighth XCEL male enlargement patch. I also measured my penis to see if it has increased in size. I can confirm that it has.

Before I began using the patches, my penis was only four and a half inches long. It is now four and three quarter inches long. That’s about quarter of an inch longer than it used to be. I also measured the girth of my penis, which was an unimpressive three and a half inches before I started using XCEL. My girth has now increased by 1/8 of an inch. This isn’t much, but it’s still something.
Although the size of my penis isn’t greatly bigger, I’m amazed that it has actually grown at all. I know that during the past week I have felt as though my penis is getting larger and my erections stronger, but to see actual concrete results blew my mind.

How astonishing that a little patch placed discretely on my bottom each day could actually cause a part of my body to grow at the age of thirty-two.
Leanne was also stunned that the XCEL patches are succeeding where exercise, modifying my diet, and giving up smoking have failed. She is so glad for me. I bet she is also quite pleased at the prospect of enjoying a bigger penis when we have sex, even if she hasn’t admitted it.
Personally, I can’t seem to stop smiling. I am delighted with the results. We are going to go out this evening to celebrate. Imagine how much my penis will have grown in a few months time if these are the results after just one week. There may even come a time when I can use public urinals with out shame.
Of course, it isn’t just a matter of my penis growing. I also feel more virile and confident. It seems that XCEL male enlargement patches offer several benefits. I feel like a new man.
