Is Penis Enlargement Real?

Saturday, March 17, 2007

Leanne has ordered some Femtrex.

Leanne has ordered some Femtrex, which is basically female Viagra. It’s not that she has any difficulty keeping up with my sex drive. She purchased Femtrex simply because she wants to make herself even more horny than she already is. In my opinion she already has enough orgasms for two women, but if she wants more I’m not about to try and stop her, since I now have the stamina to keep up.
I cannot help but imagine what our sex life will be like once she begins using the little pink pills. It’s already excellent thanks to XCEL patches. Perhaps once Leanne gets her Femtrex pills the pair of us will only get out of bed to work, eat and use the bathroom. Our friends will wonder where we are. I must admit I can’t wait to see how Femtrex effects her. Leanne’s already at her sexual peak.

Friday, March 16, 2007

I like the new me much more than the old.

It is sometimes quite hard to associate myself with the man I was before I started using XCEL male enlargement patches back in January. When I consider how I was just a couple of months ago it seems that I am actually thinking about a different man, like a character in a novel I have read. The old Paul Flannigan was under-endowed, self obsessed, miserable, selfish and totally lacking in self- worth. In other words, I was the type of person I dislike and would avoid being friends with. The new me is extremely happy, sexy, confident, kind and self-accepting. Added to that is the fact that my penis now looks and feels normal. Ironically, the person I have become was always in there somewhere or Leanne would never have tolerated me. It simply took a ground-breaking product like XCEL male enlargement patches to bring him to the surface.

Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Those who miss out on XCEL are fools.

The past few days have been uneventful. Things continue to go well with XCEL male enlargement patches. My penis is bigger, I make love to Leanne almost every night and I’m as happy as a lark. There isn’t that much you can talk about when you’re content.
Leanne’s vagina got a bit sore last week. She purchased an intimate lubricant to ensure it doesn’t happen again. I told her we didn’t have to make love every day if it was going to irritate her, but she wouldn’t hear of it. She says the increased intimacy in our relationship makes her feel closer to me than ever before. I feel the same way about her. It’s strange how a small dermal patch has helped to make my life so much better in various ways. People may think I’m foolish, but those who miss out on XCEL are the fools in my view.

Tuesday, March 13, 2007

XCEL makes your privates tingle.

Today I realized that I have become so accustomed to the pleasurable tingling sensation XCEL patches cause in my privates that I had actually forgotten about it to some extent. In fact I have started to take it for granted. Considering the implications of this caused me to have quite a horrible thought. After I stop using the XCEL patches the lovely tingling is going to stop. I wonder how that will feel? It actually feels as though it is normal to tingle down there now.
I am definitely going to buy some Marathon 21 after I am finished my course of XCEL male enlargement patches. Not only am I accustomed to the tingling sensation, I’m also used to the increased libido the patches give me. There’s no way I want to go back to making love just twice a week. Leanne would probably throw a fit if that happened.

Monday, March 12, 2007

Donna thinks no penis is too big.

Brain has made me laugh a lot lately. Apparently Donna just can’t get enough of his new penis. He told her what I’d said about Leanne worrying about my penis becoming too big. Donna responded by saying that she hoped he would end up with a twelve inch one. According to Donna there is no such thing as a penis that is too big. I felt quite sorry for Brian, he must be wondering why she stuck with him before he started using XCEL male enlargement patches if a big member is of such importance to her. To be honest I think Donna is a complete nymphomaniac. She terrifies the hell out of me. I find her loud and graceless. She reminds me of why I’m so lucky to have a classy fiancé like Leanne. She’ll probably force Brian to take sexual enhancement products for the rest of his life.